4 Smoked Catfish – Nigerian Cat fish

$20.00 Incl. Tax

Smoke catfish stands as one of the most celebrated fish varieties in Nigeria and across West Africa. This smoked round fish is a culinary staple, renowned for its versatility and rich flavor. It serves as an essential ingredient in a diverse array of soups and stews, enhancing the taste and nutritional value of various traditional dishes. Perfect for those seeking to experience the authentic flavors of Nigerian and West African cuisine.

Smoked Catfish, also known as Eja Kika, is one of the most famous types of fish in Nigeria and other West African countries. It can be used to cook a variety of soups and stews, giving the meals a distinct taste. Easy to cook and high in nutrients, this fish offers several health benefits. These include the ability to help lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for growth and development, and is a good dietary source of Vitamin D.

Weight 16 oz


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